Dear Readers,
Welcome to the November 2010 edition of Fiducia's CHINA FOCUS. This issue covers a range of topics which we hope you will find informative and valuable for your business aspirations and endeavours.
Learning by Doing: There are a Number of Ways to Develop Technical Talent in China
Companies in China often complain about the lack of technical talent. Fiducia's Client Relationship Manager Christian Groeger gives a detailed analysis of China's educational system for technical disciplines and highlights some of the promising partnerships formed between foreign companies and local institutions in attempts to tackle the problem.
New Fiducia ERP Application:
China Corporate Card
Need to keep track of all your corporate documents and information? Fiducia's dedicated ERP team have developed a sophisticated tracking system to make managing operations a lot easier and more transparent.

Uncovering Corporate Mysteries Part III of III: How to Gain Preferential High-Tech Status Corporate income tax rate in China can be reduced by 10% if a company is certified as being a developer of new and high technology. China Focus explains the conditions that have to be met and evaluates how companies achieve this status. ► Read more |
China Focus Online Library
Fiducia Management Consultants has been publishing China Focus for almost two decades and it has come a long way from black and white print to the current electronic version. With our latest website improvements, every issue can now be viewed and downloaded on www.fiducia-china.com.
Trust is good, control is better — Company Credit Reports in China
What is a credit report and how useful is it when it comes to checking out a potential business partner? China Focus provides the answers and seeks the opinion of Fiducia's in-house expert, Marshall Chen. ► Read more |
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Best Regards,
Your Fiducia Team
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